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How is E-waste recycled? | What are the products of E-waste recycling?



E-waste refers to electronic or electrical product that is not working, or not in use and is considered electronic waste or E-waste. Any electronic item such as television, radio and fax machine. It includes working and discarded items that are thrown in the garbage. Often, if the product goes unsold in the store, it will be thrown away. E-Waste is dangerous because of its toxic chemicals that naturally leach from the metals inside.

Nowadays, E-waste is a growing concern in our surroundings due to technical advancements, IT industries have moved towards a greater extent, which encourages the usage of electrical and electronic equipment. Electronic and electrical products become common in every individual life. At the same time, the products are more affordable and more reliable for consumers to purchase and make use of new and updated technology. All these development have led to increasing in e-waste generation. According to Balde et al. (2015), the total e-waste generated worldwide was approximately 41.8 million tonnes in 2014 (5.9 kg/inhabitant).

E-Waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world due to this its environmental impact on the planet is harmful. The existence of metals and plastic in e-waste is very beneficial for the recycling industries. So, proper recycling technique is required for all e-waste disposal.

E-waste Categories

There are a number of electronic products for recycling. Electrical and electronic components are broadly categorized into two categories which include all electrical and electronic products.

Information technology and telecommunication equipment:

  • Personal computers

  • Laptop

  • Personal computing: Notebook computers

  • Printers including cartridges

  • Copying equipment

  • Electrical and electronic typewriters

  • users terminals and systems

  • Fax Machines

  • Telex

  • Telephones

  • Pay telephones

Consumer electrical and electronics:

  • Television sets

  • Refrigerator

  • Washing machine

  • Air conditioner excluding centralized Air conditioning plants

  • Fluorescent and other Mercury-containing lamps

Process of collection center for recycling E-waste

The collection center is the center that basically helps in recycling the products. So, there are a number of logistics partners in our country that basically provide you the transportation through which our recycled products reach the collection centers. Collection centers are available in PAN India. It is necessary to have collection centers minimum in 20 states for authorization.

Responsibilities of Collection centers

Collection centers will obtain authorization with the procedure under rule 9 from the state board or Pollution committee concerned as the case may be and provide details of collection centers to the general public such as an address, phone number, e-mail, etc.

It ensures that the e-waste collected by them is stored in a safe manner till it is sent to dismantler(s) or recyclers as the case ensures that no damage is caused to the environment during storage and transportation of e-waste.

  • Annual file returns in from 3, the state pollution control board, or pollution control committee concerned on or before the 30th day of June.

Important Information

  • According to E-waste management rules 2016, in which every producer of electrical and electronic equipment is listed in schedule 1, and they can apply for extended producer responsibility (EPR) in Form 1 and obtain authorization from CPCB. Also, they can maintain records in Form 2 and will file returns of the previous year in Form 3 to CPCB on or before the 30 June every year.

  • “Dismantler of E-waste” can apply for Authorization under Form 4 in DPCC under E-waste Management rules 2016. Also, it has obtained Consent to Establish (CTE) and consent to operate (CTO) in the Green category under the water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as well as the Air (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act 1981.

  • “Refurbishes of E-waste” can apply for Authorization in Form 1 in DPPCC under E-waste management rules 2016. Also, it has to obtain consent to establish (CTE) and consent to operate (CTO) in the Green category under the water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981.

Documents required Following are the important documents required for E-waste:

  • GST Certificate of the Applicant

  • IEC (Import and export certificate)

  • MOA (Memorandum of authorization)

  • CIN (Company Identification Number)

Methods and Process of E-waste recycling

Collection- The first and foremost step in the recycling process is the collection of e-waste (electronic products) through recycling bins, collection locations, take-back programs, or on-demand collection services. The mixed e-waste is then taken to the specialized electronic recyclers.

In this stage, e-waste should be separated by type from the different bins or boxes. This is especially important for e- waste-containing batteries, which require special treatment and can be very damaging if mixed with other e-waste products.

Storage- Safe storage of e-waste products is important. For instance, the glass screen of the TVs, and monitors are highly contaminated by lead. In past, they were recycled into a new computer screen or new monitor, but with the growth of new technology and subsequent decline in demand for CRT products which means that much of this glass is now simply being stored indefinitely.

Manual sorting, dismantling, and shredding- when the e-waste products arrive at the recycling plant, firstly, its sorts out all the materials of it. The process through which sedimentary particles become separated according to some particular, characteristics, shape, and size. Secondly, the dismantling process is a labor-intensive operation. The shattered material is divided into two categories, one that can be reused and another that is still recycled.

After this, E-waste is shredded into small pieces allowing for accurate sorting of materials, it is one of the key parts of the process. Most electronics are a mix of materials, and breaking items down into pieces that measure just a few centimeters can be separated mechanically.

Mechanical Separation- E mechanical separation of the different materials actually consists of several processes one after another. Magnetic separation and water separation are two key steps under mechanical separation.

A) Magnetic Separation- The shredded e- waste product is passed under the giant magnet, which is able to pull ferrous metal such as iron and steel from the mix of waste. Furthermore, separating the non-ferrous metals. These materials are then diverted to direct recycling plants for smelting. Other materials such as metal-embedded, plastic, and circuit boards are also separated at this stage.

B) Water Separation- Solid waste stream now consists mainly of plastic and glass, water is used to separate the materials, further purifying for the separation of different plastics as well as hand-sorting obvious contaminants.

Recovery- The products are now separated and are ready for reuse and sale. Some materials such as plastic and steel join another recycling stream. Other products might be processed onsite and sold directly alongside usable components separated in the early stages.

Procedure for registration of E-waste under State Pollution Control Board

Procedure for Grant registration:

  • Every dismantler or recycler will make an application, within a period of three months starting from the date of commencement of these rules, following are the documents for the grant or renewal of registration.

  • Consent to establish granted by the State Pollution Control Board under the water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981.

  • Certificates of registration issued by the District industries centers or any other government agency authorized in this regard.

  • Proof of installed capacity of plant and machinery issued by the District industries centers or any other industry on this behalf.

  • In case of renewal, a certificate of compliance with effluent and emission standards, treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes as applicable from the State pollution control board or Committee of the union territories or any other agency designated for this purpose.


E-waste recycling is a serious global concern for a lot of reasons. It has a strong bearing on our immediate environment as humans and life on earth generally. Also, e waste certificate is dangerous due to toxic chemicals that naturally leach from the metals inside. Read more this blog :- What is the yearly compliance for private limited companies?



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